Hi there, Michael Scott! (@worldsbestboss)

Michael Scott

Your Projects

Frame Toby with Drugs

We need a new HR rep. Make sure to plant the drugs in his drawer, and call the police.

Promise 3rd Graders College Tuition

You're gonna make it big later in life Michael. Promise these kids that you'll pay all of their Tuitions come the time they're at college. This will not backfire.

Fake fire Pam

You have to keep the office on its toes with your amazing pranks. Call Pam into your office and pretend you're gonna fire her. Dont tell her its a joke until the very end for maximum effect.

Keep Jim's Secret

You guys are best friends now. You're the only one who knows that Jim has a crush on Pam. DO NOT tell anyone.

Ask out Pam's Mom

Everyone deserves love, even if its a coworkers mother. I'm pretty sure shes the same age as you. Pam would definately support it since she wants the best for you.

Have another diversity day

The first diversity day was an absolute hit, and it really brought the whole office togther. The minorities in the office especially loved it, so you gotta do it again.


Dunder Mifflin Stock Plummets

Dunder Mifflin's investors furious as a call with Salesman Dwight Schrute goes viral, causing stock to plummit

David Wallace Visits Tomorrow

Dunder Mifflin's CEO is scheduled to visit the branch tomorrow for a routine check-in.

Dunder Mifflin Downsizing

Dunder Mifflin announced this morning that they will be forced to close multiple branches, which ones to be decided at a later time.